Psychology Faculty Labs
Cooperation, Conflict, and Cognition Lab (Aharoni, Eyal)
Research in the Cooperation, Conflict, and Cognition lab investigates (1) risk models for antisocial behavior, (2) the application of neuroscience to the law and its ethical implications, and (3) the impact of emotion and cognitive bias on criminal, legal, and moral decision making.
Anxiety Reserach and Treatment (ART) Lab (Anderson, Page)
The ART lab conducts research to understand and treat anxiety disorders, focusing on digital health interventions (e.g., apps, virtual reality) that are acceptable, accessible, and improve mental health equity.
Dr. Armistead's Lab (Armistead, Lisa)
Dr. Armistead's research focuses on the role of families in the lives of children and adolescents. Over the past several years, her lab has investigated the impact of various family stressors on child and adolescent functioning.
Cognition & Aging Lab (Barber, Sarah)
The Cognition & Aging lab examines how memory is affected by age and social context. Within this broad topic, they examine how stereotypes about aging affect older adults' cognitive performance, how social interactions affect the way people remember the past, and how emotion affects memory in younger and older adults.
Comparative Intelligence and Cognition (COMIC) Lab (Beran, Michael)
Research in the COMIC Lab is focused on learning about and understanding the cognitive abilities, and particularly the cognitive control, exhibited by humans (children and adults) and other species, primarily the great apes and monkey species.
Lab for Measurement Issues in Language and Literacy (L-MILL) (Branum-Martin, Lee)
The Lab for Measurement Issues in Language and Literacy (L-MILL) members use statistical models to evaluate treatment and interventions, to understand social and contextual factors, and to empirically test theories of language and literacy. .
Laboratory for Comparative Economics and Behavioral Sciences (Brosnan, Sarah)
Humans and other animals routinely find cooperative solutions to problems facing them, but how they do so remains a challenging question. Dr. Brosnan utilizes an explicitly comparative approach to study the behavioral, cognitive, and endocrine mechanisms underlying decision-making across a variety of species, particularly non-human primates, to understand how individuals make their decisions and how they are influenced by ecology and the social environment.
Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science (TReNDS) Center (Calhoun, Vince)
Dr. Calhoun directs the Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science (TReNDS) Center, which focuses on developing, applying, and sharing advanced analytic approaches and neuroinformatics tools that leverage advanced brain imaging and omics data, with a goal of translating these approaches into biomarkers that can help address relevant areas of brain health and disease.
Health Equity, Agency, Racism, & Trauma (HEART) Lab (Carter, Sierra)
Dr. Carter is a clinical and community research scientist in racial health disparities & the promotion of health equity. She directs the Health Equity, Agency, Racism, & Trauma Lab (HEART lab). The HEART lab's research aims to examining how oppression and racism over the life course can effect development and further exacerbate chronic illnesses and stress-related disorders.
Child Health and Medical Pain (CHAMP) Lab (Cohen, Lindsey)
The Child Health and Medical Pain (CHAMP) Lab focuses on pediatric psychology issues, which sit at the intersection of pediatric medicine and child clinical psychology (e.g., coping with chronic illness, assessment and treatment of pain). Researchers in the lab are champions for children's health.
Violence Against Women Prevention Research Team (Cook, Sarah)
The Violence Against Women Prevention Research Team is committed to decreasing the incidence and severity of gender-based violence. The team conducts research in field, laboratory, and on-line settings using a variety of research designs, including true and quasi-experiments, surveys, focus groups, and interviews.
Aging Well for Everyone (AWE) Neuropsychology Laboratory (Dotson, Vonetta)
The AWE lab focuses on understanding positive (e.g., exercise) and negative (e.g., depression) modifiers of brain health in diverse older adults in order to identify ways to reduce health disparities in cognitive and affective disorders in late life, thereby enabling every individual to age well. The work is designed to be translational in nature, with implications for the daily lives of every individual and for how we diagnose, treat, and prevent cognitive and affective disorders.
Dr. Glover's Lab (Glover, Ciara Smalls)
Dr. Glover’s work highlights the importance of diversity in familial contexts in which socialization occurs. Dr. Glover’s research includes an investigation of 1) patterns of racial socialization and racial identity as factors that directly promote positive development and reduce the impact of racial discrimination, and 2) the parenting context surrounding these factors as assessed with multiple analytic approaches.
Developmental Clinical Neuropsychology Across the Lifespan (DNP-ATL) Lab (King, Tricia)
The DNP-ATL Lab studies the impact of neurodevelopmental disruption on cognitive and adaptive outcomes from a lifespan perspective. They utilize a variety of neuroimaging methods, genetics, and neuropsychological testing to better understand the relationships between brain structure/function and to contribute to precision medicine advances.
Social Ecology and Adolescent Development Lab (Kuperminc, Gabriel)
Dr. Kuperminc is a community and developmental psychologist. His research focuses on resilience and positive youth development, particularly among marginalized populations, including youth who identify as ethnic minority, from immigrant families, and economically disadvantaged.
Learning about Emotional Adjustment in Families (LEAF) Lab (McKee, Laura)
The Learning about Emotional Adjustment in Families (LEAF) Lab is interested in how internalizing psychopathology (e.g., depression and anxiety) develops in at-risk children and adolescents. In addition, the lab has focused on the impact of parenting style and behaviors on the development of depression among African American youth from single mother headed families, youth with chronically ill mothers, and children of depressed caregivers.
The Engaging Minorities in Prevention Outreach Wellness Education & Research (EMPOWER) Lab (Metzger, Isha)
Research in the EMPOWER Lab aims to reduce mental health disparities through increasing engagement in mental health treatment, community outreach, education and training, and research focusing on the Black community. Specifically, Dr. Metzger is interested in improving mental health (anxiety, depression, PTSD) treatment outcomes for African American youth exposed to interpersonal and racial trauma.
Dr. Morris' Lab (Morris, Robin)
Research in Dr. Morris' lab focuses on the biological and environmental factors that impact developing cognitive, learning, and language systems in typically developing children and adults, and those with atypical development or acquired neurological disorders (including dyslexia, autism, ADHD, SLI, mitochondrial disease, brain tumors, TBI).
Eyewitness Accuracy and False Memory Lab (Offutt, Heather)
Dr. Offutt's lab studies memory error with a focus on courtroom applications, which includes face recognition and judgment, eyewitness memory and related investigative procedures across the legal system, the influence of imagination, working memory, and other cognitive processes that relate to false memories. The lab focuses on the intertwining of cognitive, social, and cultural factors that influence accurate and errant memories.
Gesture-Cognition-Communication Laboratory (Özçalışkan, Şeyda)
The Gesture-Cognition-Communication lab consists of a group of developmental and cognitive psychologists seeking to understand how the way we move our hands relates to the way we think and talk about concepts and events. They study different learners (e.g., bilinguals, individuals with autism, Down syndrome, blindness) and different languages (e.g., Chinese, Polish, Spanish, Turkish) to understand how the diversity of the learner and the environment contributes to developmental change, as it reveals itself in speech and gesture..
Behavioral Science Lab (Parrott, Dominic)
The Behavioral Science Lab aims to reduce interpersonal violence by: (1) identifying risk and protective factors for perpetrating aggressive behavior and (2) informing intervention programming. This work uses different methodologies (e.g., laboratory, survey) to study different forms of aggression (e.g., physical, sexual) toward various targets (e.g., sexual and gender minorities, women) and under different conditions (e.g., alcohol intoxication, in intimate relationships).
Dr. Sevcik's Lab (Sevcik, Rose)
Dr. Sevcik's lab focuses on the development of symbolic processes, specifically oral and written language development. Two long-standing lines of research are on 1) the study of children with significant developmental disabilities who are at high risk for speech and language disorders, and 2) the effect of different instructional content and methods on teaching children who are struggling to learn to read.
Alcohol and Interpersonal Violence Research Lab (Stappenbeck, Cynthia)
The Alcohol and Interpersonal Violence Research Lab is committed to decreasing the incidence of alcohol-facilitated violence and promoting survivors' health and well-being. Our goal is to develop, evaluate, and disseminate low-resource interventions to reduce alcohol-related aggression perpetration and improve outcomes for victims of interpersonal violence.
Violence Against Women Prevention Research Team (Swartout, Kevin)
The Violence Against Women Prevention Reserach Team is committed to decreasing the incidence and severity of gender-based violence. The team conducts research in field, laboratory, and on-line settings using a variety of research designs, including true and quasi-experiments, surveys, focus groups, and interviews.
Adult Language, Literacy, and Learning (AL3) Lab (Tighe, Elizabeth)
The AL3 Lab focuses broadly on the language and literacy skills of struggling adult readers. The lab draws on approaches from developmental, cognitive, and educational psychology to understand individual differences in reading skills across the lifespan, text processing and eye movement behaviors during reading, and development and measurement issues of educational assessments with struggling adult readers.
Lab for the Study of Anxiety and Relationships (L-STAR) (Tone, Erin)
Researchers in L-STAR use behavioral, neuroimaging, eye tracking, and clinical measures to help us learn about how anxiety, especially social anxiety, can get in the way of healthy relationship formation and maintenance.
FEELINGS Lab (Tully, Erin)
FEELINGS Lab researchers are studying empathy as a risk and protective factor for internalizing problems during childhood. We are developing an empirical conceptualization of empathy that crosses behavioral, physiological, and neural domains.
A Ware Brain Lab and GANG (Genetics and Neurodevelopment Group) (Ware, Ashley L.)
Dr. Ware studies brain development across the lifespan in typical and neurological populations. The lab particularly focuses on the identification of biomarkers (using advanced MRI techniques) and clinical outcomes and recovery in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders and acquired brain injury, such as traumatic brain injury (e.g., concussion). Current research includes the Atlanta Fighter Study (a study of cognitive and brain aging in professional and amateur athletes), Neuroepigenetics in Klinefelter Syndrome, Neurovascular and Neuroinflammation After Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury, and Neurovascular Outcomes Following Fetal Alcohol Exposure.
Affiliate Faculty Labs
Dr. Albers' Lab (Albers, H. Elliott; Biology, Neuroscience Affiliate)
Dr. Albers is director of the Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, which focuses on understanding the basic neurobiology of social behaviors. Dr. Albers conducts research on the neural basis of behavior.
Dr. Frantz's Lab (Frantz, Kyle; Biology, Neuroscience Affiliate)
Dr. Frantz conducts reseach in two areas: 1) laboratory research on the developmental neurobiology of reward and reinforcement, and 2) science education administration and research.
Dr. Grober's Lab (Grober, Matthew; Biology affiliate)
Dr. Grober lab utilizes an integrative approach to study vertebrate reproductive behavior. By approaching the study of behavior at the neural, endocrine and ecological levels of analysis, Dr. Grober and colleagues have been able to gain an understanding of the present functions, underlying mechanisms, and evolutionary history of specific behavioral traits.
Huhman Lab (Huhman, Kim (Neuroscience affiliate)
The Huhman lab studies how brief exposure to social stress can change brain circuitry to alter future behavior. Researchers in the Huhman lab are more interested in how psychological stress alters behavior than in how physical stress or injury might do the same.
Murphy Lab (Murphy, Anne; Biology, Gerontology, Neuroscience Affiliate)
Dr. Murphy’s research focuses on the impact of sex and age on pain and opiate responsiveness as well as the impact of early life experience on adult pain and stress responsiveness. Dr. Murphy and colleagues use a wide variety of techniques from molecular to behavioral to describe how pain alters brain activity and synaptic plasticity.
Neurobiology of Memory Lab (Parent, Marise; Neuroscience Affiliate)
Research in this laboratory uses rodent models to understand how brain areas involved in cognition control eating behaviors, how obesity disturbs these processes, and how obesity increases the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Laboratory for the Neurobiology Study of Sexual Behavior (Petrulis, Aras (Neuroscience Affiliate)
Lab researchers areinterested in understanding the neural control of social and communicative behavior, with an emphasis on sex-differentiated neural systems. Specifically, the research explores the role of the sex-different brain peptide, vasopressin as well as its receptors, in the regulation of social behavior and communication using modern intersectional genetic approaches.
Dr. Romski's Lab (Romski, Mary Ann; Communication Affiliate)
Dr. Romski conducts research in the area of developmental disabilities, augmentative communication, and early language intervention. Scholarly research in her lab examines how children with severe communication disorders develop language and communication skills.
Dr. Salazar's Lab (Salazar, Laura; Public Health Affiliate)
Dr. Salazar focuses her research efforts on developing and testing innovative intervention approaches to reducing sexual violence among college students as well as identifying the socio-ecological risk and protective factors related to sexual violence perpetration and victimization. She has also focused her efforts on understanding and improving significant inequalities in HIV experienced by racial, sexual and gender minority populations.
- The Center for Advanced Brain Imaging
- The Center for Behavioral Neuroscience
- The Center for Research on Atypical Development and Learning
- Center for Research on the Challenges of Acquiring Language and Literacy
- The Center for Research on Interpersonal Violence
- The Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science
- The Language Research Center
- Regents Centers for Learning Disorders
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